書 籍


Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2018). Sport tourism development (3rd ed.). Channel View Publications.(伊藤央二・山口志郎訳『スポーツツーリズム入門』晃洋書房,2020)

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伊藤央二(2024)生涯スポーツの伝統と文化.川西正志・野川春夫監、伊藤央二・大勝志津穂・北村尚浩・工藤康宏・長ヶ原先誠編,生涯スポーツ実践論(第5版)(pp. 5-8).市村出版.

伊藤央二(2024)北米の生涯スポーツ.川西正志・野川春夫監、伊藤央二・大勝志津穂・北村尚浩・工藤康宏・長ヶ原先誠編,生涯スポーツ実践論(第5版)(pp. 23-27).市村出版.

伊藤央二(2024)生涯スポーツにおけるセグメンテーション.川西正志・野川春夫監、伊藤央二・大勝志津穂・北村尚浩・工藤康宏・長ヶ原先誠編,生涯スポーツ実践論(第5版)(pp. 61-64).市村出版.

Kono, S., & Ito, E. (2024). Leisure in Japan. In M. Stodolska, D. Scott, & T. Liechty, Leisure matters: Exploring leisure in a changing world. Sagamore-Venture.

伊藤央二(2023)スポーツを活用したまちづくり.笹川スポーツ財団編,スポーツ白書2023(pp. 197-200).笹川スポーツ財団.

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伊藤央二(2022)地域資源を活用したスポーツツーリズム.原田宗彦編,実践スポーツツーリズム(pp. 37-44).学芸出版社.

Ito, E., Hikoji, K., & Chogahara, M. (2022). Baseball heritage in Japan: A case of the Masters Koshien. In G. Ramshaw, & S. Gammon, Baseball and cultural heritage (pp. 113-127). University Press of Florida.

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伊藤央二(2021)地域活性化とスポーツイベント.野川春夫編,新版スポーツイベント検定テキスト(pp. 122-130).日本イベント産業振興協会.

Ito, E., & Hinch, T. (2020). A systematic review of sport tourism research in Japan. In R. Sharpley, & K. Kato, Tourism development in Japan: Themes, issues and challenges (pp. 82-101). Routledge.

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Ito, E. (2018). Culture, ideal affect, and sport tourist motivations (case study). In J. Higham, & T. Hinch, Sport Tourism Development (3rd edition) (pp. 51-52). Channel View Publications.

伊藤央二(2016)観光と感情.大橋昭一・山田良治・神田孝治編,ここからはじめる観光学:楽しさから知的好奇心へ(pp. 174-179).ナカニシヤ出版.





Ito, E. (2023). Aikido tourism development in Tanabe, Wakayama, Japan. Tourism Cases. https://doi.org/10.1079/tourism.2023.0042


榎本皐伊藤央二(2023)VR 観光体験時の音楽の有無による没入感と訪問意欲の相違について.観光学,29,1-8.https://doi.org/10.19002/AA12438820.29.1

Ito, E. (2023). Predicting Japanese sport tourist behaviour: An extension of theory of planned behaviour with tourism ideal affect. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 27(3), 187-203. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2023.2234889


Kono, S., Ito, E., Okayasu, I., & Gui, J. (2023). Understanding how sports relate to hedonic and eudaimonic well-being among Japanese university students. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 6(1), 27-54. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41978-022-00114-w

Ito, E., & Kono, S. (2023). Ideal positive affect among Japanese sport tourists: A case of masters games participants. Wakayama Tourism Review, 4, 10-12. https://doi.org/10.19002/24363839.4.10

Ito, E., & Higham, J. (2023). An evidence-base for reducing the CO2 emissions of national mega sports events: Application of the three-hub model to the Japan 2019 Rugby World Cup. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2023.2177301

Ito, E., Kono, S., & Gui, J. (2023). Psychological consequences of tourism ideal affectCurrent Issues in Tourism, 26(3), 468-479. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.2023479


Kono, S., Ito, E., & Gui, J. (2022). Leisure’s relationships with hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in daily life: An experience sampling approach. Leisure SciencesAdvance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2022.2102097

Ito, E., Higham, J., & Cheer, J. M. (2022). Carbon emission reduction and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 3(2), 100056. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annale.2022.100056

Ito, E., & Cheer, J. M. (2022). Everyday cycling mobilities and tourist behaviour: The emergence of cycle tourism as COVID-secure activity. Journal of Responsible Tourism Management, 2(1), 10-17. https://doi.org/10.47263/JRTM.02-01-02


Kono, S., Ito, E., & Loucks-Atkinson, A. (2022). Are leisure constraints models reflective or formative?: Evidence from confirmatory tetrad analyses. Leisure Sciences, 44(1), 55-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2018.1474508

Yamaguchi, S., & Ito, E. (2021). Conceptualization of perceived risk from the participant perspective in trail running eventsInternational Journal of Sport and Health Science, 19, 102-109. https://doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202125

伊藤央二薮谷諒真(2021)eスポーツプレイヤーの専門志向化要因とスポーツ歴およびテレビゲーム歴の関連性.スポーツ産業学研究,31(4), 457-464. https://doi.org/10.5997/sposun.31.4_457

Kono, S., & Ito, E. (2021). Effects of leisure constraints and negotiation on activity enjoyment: A forgotten part of the leisure constraints theory. Annals of Leisure Research. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/11745398.2021.1949737

Ito, E. (2021). Understanding cultural variations in outdoor tourism behaviors for outdoor sport tourism development: A case of the Blue Mountains National ParkTourism Planning & Development, 18(3), 371-377. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2020.1807401

Ito, E., & Hikoji, K. (2021). Relationships of involvement and interdependent happiness between domestic and international Japanese masters games tourists. Annals of Leisure Research, 24(2), 262-268https://doi.org/10.1080/11745398.2019.1610665

Ito, E. (2021). Constraints to everyday cycle sport tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Wakayama Tourism Review, 1, 15-17. http://doi.org/10.19002/24363839.1.15

Kono, S., Ito, E., & Loucks-Atkinson, A. (2021). The measurement model of leisure constraint negotiation in leisure-time physical activity context: Reflective or formative? Journal of Leisure Research, 52(1), 120-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2020.1745720





児嶋恵伍伊藤央二(2020)国外マスターズ大会日本人参加者のレジャー参加パターン間における大会参加に対するのめり込み度と相互協調的幸福感について:アジアパシフィックマスターズゲームズ2018ペナン大会参加者に着目して.イベント学研究,4(1), 27-38.

Ito, E., & Higham, J. (2020). Supplemental tourism activities: A conceptual framework to maximise sport tourism benefits and opportunities. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 24(4), 269-284. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2020.1850322

Ito, E. (2020). Relationships of involvement and interdependent happiness across a revised Masters Games participant typology. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 24(4), 235-250. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2020.1824799

Hu, R., & Ito, E. (2020). Ideal and tourism affect among Mainland Chinese tourists in Hokkaido, Japan: A comparison between tourists with and without ski experience. International Journal of Sport and Health Science18, 247-252. https://doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.202012



Ito, E., Loucks-Atkinson, A., & Kono, S. (2020). Introduction of the special issue “a social psychology of leisure 2.0". Journal of Leisure Research, 51(5), 511-516. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2020.1807827

Kono, S., Ito, E., & Loucks-Atkinson, A. (2020). Concluding the special issue “a social psychology of leisure 2.0". Journal of Leisure Research, 51(5), 643-649. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2020.1807832

伊藤央二・彦次佳・山口志郎(2020)スポーツイベント観戦者の理想とする快感情と再観戦意図の関連性について:Bリーグ大阪エヴェッサの観戦者に着目して.スポーツ産業学研究,30(2), 207-213.https://doi.org/10.5997/sposun.30.2_207

Kono, S., Ito, E., Walker, G. J., & Gui, J. (2020). Predictive power of leisure constraint-negotiation models within the leisure-time physical activity context: A partial least squares structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Leisure Research, 51(3), 325-347. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2019.1687266


Kono, S., Ito, E., & Gui, J. (2020). Empirical investigation of the relationship between serious leisure and meaning in life among Japanese and Euro-Canadians. Leisure Studies, 39(1), 131-145. https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2018.1555674



Ito, E., Kono, S., & Walker, G. J. (2020). Development of cross-culturally informed leisure-time physical activity constraint and constraint negotiation typologies: The case of Japanese and Euro-Canadian adultsLeisure Sciences, 42(5/6), 411-429. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2018.1446064

Ito, E., & Kono, S. (2019). Similarities and differences in constraints and constraint negotiation among Japanese sport tourists: A case of masters games participants. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 23(2/3), 63-77. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2019.1702582



高松祥平・山口志郎・伊藤央二(2019)サイクリングイベント参加者の参加動機と運営協力,再参加意図,口コミとの関連.体育・スポーツ科学,28, 1-6.


Kono, S., Walker, G. J., Ito, E., & Hagi, Y. (2019). Theorizing leisure’s roles in the pursuit of ikigai (life worthiness): A mixed-methods approach. Leisure Sciences, 41(4), 237-259. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2017.1356255

Ito, E., Walker, G. J., Mitas, O., & Liu, H. (2019). Cultural similarities and differences in the relationship between types of leisure activity and happiness in Canadian, Chinese, and Japanese university students. World Leisure Journal, 61(1), 30-42https://doi.org/10.1080/16078055.2018.1535449

Ito, E., Walker, G. J., & Kono, S. (2019). A comparison of immediate and retrospective affective reports in leisure contexts. Journal Leisure Research, 50(1), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2018.1552486

Hinch, T.・伊藤央二(2018)Research, lifelong sport, and travel: Sustainable sport tourism in the prefecture of Okinawa. 生涯スポーツ学研究(特別寄稿),15(2),1-13.https://doi.org/10.14838/jjls.15.2_1


彦次佳・伊藤央二(2018)国外マスターズスポーツ大会参加者の阻害要因および阻害要因折衝:World Masters Games 2017 Auckland参加者の事例報告.生涯スポーツ学研究,15(2),49-55.https://doi.org/10.14838/jjls.15.49

Ito, E., Walker, G. J., & Mannell, B. (2018). Discrepancies between Japanese undergraduate students' ideal affect and actual affect in social contexts and life domains. International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, 1(3), 227-240. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41978-018-0015-9

Ito, E., & Hikoji, K. (2018). Constraints and constraint negotiation when participating in domestic and international masters games. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 16, 120-127. https://doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.201734


Ito, E., & Walker, G. J. (2018). Relationships among self-construal, control, and positive affect in Japanese undergraduate students’ leisure experience. World Leisure Journal, 60(1), 14-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/16078055.2017.1278716

Hinch, T., & Ito, E. (2018). Sustainable sport tourism in Japan. Tourism Planning & Development, 18(1), 96-101. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2017.1313773



伊藤央二・Hinch, T.(2017)国内スポーツツーリズム研究の系統的レビュー.体育学研究,62,773-787.https://doi.org/10.5432/jjpehss.17007

Uenoyama, Y., & Ito, E. (2017). Perceived benefits of sport participation for people with dementia: A case study of the running events in Wakayama. Journal of Asiania Sport for All, 14(1), 4-12.

Terada, T., Boulé, N. G., Forhan, M., Prado, C., Kenny, G., Prud’homme, D., Ito, E., & Sigal, R. J. (2017). Cardiometabolic risk factors in type 2 diabetes with high fat and low muscle mass: At baseline and in response to exercise. Obesity, 25(5), 881-891. https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.21808

Ito, E., Walker, G. J., Liu, H., & Mitas, O. (2017). A cross-cultural/national study of Canadian, Chinese, and Japanese university students' leisure satisfaction and subjective well-being. Leisure Sciences, 39(2), 186-204. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2016.1165637

Walker, G. J., & Ito, E. (2017). Mainland Chinese Canadian immigrants' leisure satisfaction and subjective well-being: Results of a two year longitudinal study. Leisure Sciences, 39(2), 174-185. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2016.1156040

Ito, E., & Walker, G. J. (2016). Cultural commonality and specificity in Japanese and Euro-Canadian undergraduate students’ leisure experiences: An exploratory study on control and positive affect. Leisure Sciences, 38(3), 249-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/01490400.2015.1092403

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伊藤央二・山口志郎・岡安功・Walker, G. J.(2015)積極的対応と消極的対応グループ間の野外レクリエーションにおける阻害要因の類似・相違点について.生涯スポーツ学研究,12(2),25-33.https://doi.org/10.14838/jjls.12.2_25

Ito, E., Walker, G. J., & Liang, H. (2014). A systematic review of non-Western and cross-cultural/national leisure research. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(2), 226-239https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2014.11950322

Ito, E., & Walker, G. J. (2014). Similarities and differences in leisure conceptualizations between Japan and Canada and between Japanese leisure-like terms. Leisure/Loisir, 38(1), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/14927713.2014.880613

Mannell, B., Walker, G. J., & Ito, E. (2014). Ideal affect, actual affect, and affect discrepancy during leisure and paid work. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(1), 13-37https://doi.org/10.1080/00222216.2014.11950311


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Ito, E., Nogawa, H., Kitamura, K., & Walker, G. J. (2011). The role of leisure in the assimilation of Brazilian immigrants into Japanese society: Acculturation and structural assimilation through judo participation. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 9, 8-14. https://doi.org/10.5432/ijshs.20100019








伊藤央二・河野慎太朗・Gui, J.・Walker, G. J.(2018~2019)⽇常⽣活におけるスポーツ参加が⽣きがいと幸福感に与える影響の精査:⻘年後期を対象としたスマートフォンによる経験抽出法公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,1,000,000円.

Hinch, T., & Ito, E. (2018~2019). Research, lifelong sport, and travel: Exploring pathways to sustainability. CTR Research Project Support (Fund C), 500,000 yen.

伊藤央二・河野慎太朗・岡安功・Walker, G. J.(2017~2018)地域スポーツクラブにおけるスポーツ活動が社会的要因を通じて生きがいに与える影響の日加比較研究:スポーツによる生きがい溢れるまちづくりを目指して. 公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,980,000円.


伊藤央二, 河野慎太朗, Walker, G. J.(2016~2017)スポーツ活動が日本人青年後期の生きがいに及ぼす影響についての理論化研究:構造方程式モデリングによるグラウンデッド・セオリーのさらなる検証公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,1,000,000円.

山口志郎・Fairley, S.・伊藤央二(2016~2017)日本におけるスポーツボランティアの概念化に関する質的研究:スポーツボランティア文化の構築に向けて公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,1,000,000円.

伊藤央二・岡安功・Acharya, B. P.・工藤康宏(2015~2016)ネパール連邦民主共和国のスポーツツーリズムに関する資格制度とその制度が地域雇用に及ぼす影響について公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,500,000円.


岡安功・Walker, G. J.・伊藤央二・山口志郎(2013~2014)青年後期の野外スポーツへの参加と自然環境への配慮行動に関する研究:日本とカナダの文化比較公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,980,000円.

岡安功・伊藤央二・Walker, G. J.・山口志郎・野川春夫(2012~2013青年後期におけるスポーツ活動の実態および心理的影響に関する研究:スポーツ振興における日本とカナダの文化比較公益財団笹川スポーツ財団研究助成,900,000円.